Military Police Command



Commander Inspects Northern Region Readiness Units to Strengthen Crisis Response

Reporter Chen-Wei Liu / Comprehensive Report

 To enhance combat readiness capabilities and crisis response efficiency, Military Police Command Commander Lt. Gen. Chen-Hsiang Cheng conducted an inspection of readiness units in the northern region yesterday. In addition to commending the officers and soldiers for their hard training efforts, he emphasized that leaders must implement personnel grouping and scheduled training. Combining on-site reconnaissance and tactical drills, troops should become familiar with the battlefield environment and missions, constructing a unified operational image to strengthen regional joint defense mechanisms and crisis response capabilities.

 During the process, Commander Cheng provided work guidance on unit readiness assembly and inspection procedures. He encouraged personnel assigned to readiness units to maintain vigilance and awareness, adhering to realistic training principles, focusing on readiness preparation and exercises, and enhancing personal combat skills to build confidence and capability for securing central security responsibilities.

 Moreover, Commander Cheng recognized the dedication of all unit personnel in their training efforts. He reminded leaders to prevent safety incidents during training, ensure the daily care of soldiers, and create a quality work environment to boost unit morale and sustain overall combat effectiveness.

(This article is reprinted from the Ministry of National Defense Youth Daily News.)

1-指揮官視導北部地區戰備部隊 期強化危機應處

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Update: 2025-01-06

