Military Police Command

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Commander Hosts Monthly Meeting and Promotion Ceremony and Urges to Build Reliable Battle Force

Reported by Yang Chiao-Lin/ Summary report

The Military Police Command held the 2024Q2 Monthly Meeting and Promotion Ceremony yesterday. Lieutenant General Cheng Chen-Hsiang, Commander of the Military Police Command, hosted the ceremony, presenting the awards to the promoted officers and honoring the outstanding units and individuals who have resolved national security cases.Commander Cheng urged the officers and soldiers to follow the footsteps of their predecessors in the armed forces, to persevere in their training, and in the face of the upcoming annual Han Kuang 40 Military Exercise, to go all out in the spirit of “real soldiers, real sites, real time, all personnel, full equipment” to fulfill the mission of defending the country.

Commander Cheng first expressed his appreciation to all promoted officers, pointing out that the conferral of rank also means greater responsibilities. He hoped that in the future, all promoted officers would maintain a pragmatic attitude and strive for excellence, achieving higher honors for the unit and themselves. In addition, he also praised the officers who have successfully resolved national security cases, urging them to continuously deepen their capabilities in the collection of information on national security, detection of enemy espionage, as well as surveillance and investigation capabilities, thereby demonstrating the importance of the Military Police's ability to maintain public security and uphold law and order.

Commander Cheng emphasized that “training is the source of combat strength and the foundation of victory”, and that all units are facing the scorching summer heat as they prepare for Han Kuang 40 Military Exercise. However, the enemy does not give up their aggressive ambitions just because of the weather. Therefore, cadres should pay more attention to the safety and preparation of training, take proper precautions against potential hazards, and build up a reliable combat force under strict training requirements to ensure national security and the well-being of citizens.

The article is reproduced from Youth Daily News, Ministry of Defense.

1-指揮官主持月會暨晉任授階典禮 勉建構可恃戰力.jpg

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Update: 2024-07-16

