Military Police Command

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Commander Presides Over Exercise Management Meeting to Respond to Defense Operational Requirements

Reported by Lin Ruei-Yi/ Summary report

For the purpose of ensuring the smooth execution of major annual training missions, Lieutenant General Cheng Chen-Hsiang, Commander of the Military Police Command, presided over the “Han Kuang 40 Military Exercise Operation Management and Key Validation Project Reporting” meeting yesterday, which was attended by senior officers, division chiefs (group leaders), and the operational management units of the garrison areas and other friendly forces. Commander Cheng urged the mission units to uphold the principle of “real soldiers, real sites, real time, all personnel, all equipment” through real military exercises to verify the effectiveness of the “command chain, intelligence chain, kill chain, logistic support force, and communication chain”, thus to cope with the demands of defensive operations.

The meeting was held at Zhongzheng Camp in Taipei, during which the operational management unit first explained the plan for the Han Kuang 40 Military Exercise, and then each drill unit reported on the implementation of key verification courses, and finally Commander Cheng provided guidance.

Commander Cheng said that the purpose of the actual military exercises is to verify the feasibility and extensibility of the operational plans through various rehearsals and to test the command and control and intelligence management through cross-military, unit, and regional military-civilian cooperation, thereby giving full play to the efficacy of the integration of the military and civilians and constructing a more solid national defense system.

In addition, with the upcoming military exercises, Commander Cheng also urged the unit commanders to take a cautious attitude, properly divide the tasks and execute the exercises in accordance with the planned control points, and implement risk management and control before, during, and after the tasks, ensuring the safety of the training, and maintaining the overall combat strength of the troops.

The article is reproduced from Youth Daily News, Ministry of Defense.

1-指揮官主持演習工作管制會議 肆應防衛作戰需求.jpg

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Update: 2024-07-03

