Military Police Command

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Commander Receives Guatemalan Ambassador for Deepening Bilateral Military Cooperation

Reported by Yang Chiao-Lin/ Summary report

Mr. Oscar Adolfo Padilla Lam, Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala to the Republic of China, together with his military attachés, paid a visit to Lieutenant General Cheng Chen-Hsiang, Commander of the Military Police Command, yesterday, to learn more about the mission attributes of the Military Police of our country through the introduction of the unit and panel discussion. They also discussed the future military exchange programs to strengthen the bilateral friendship and alliance, establish a permanent cooperation mechanism and deepen the military exchanges between the two countries.

Strengthening Counter-Terrorism and National Security Maintenance and Enhancing Professional Exchanges

Commander Cheng pointed out that the Military Police, with their loyalty and unwavering determination, has always been devoted to defending democratic values and national sovereignty. In addition to strengthening the military garrison’s operational capabilities, the Military Police has also been assisting the judicial authorities in combating lawlessness and curbing crime. He also hoped that military exchanges between the two countries would be enhanced in the future, with more professional training for the Military Police and joint development of military talents, with the aim of building up a sustainable bilateral military cooperation.

Moreover, the Military Police has a proven track record of utilizing military dogs to carry out bomb and narcotics detection missions, and has spared no effort in maintaining security and combating narcotic trafficking, with outstanding results. Commander Cheng hoped that the two countries could promote a cooperation agreement on working dog training in the future, utilizing Guatemala’s long-standing experience in collaborating with the U.S. on related missions to share resources and strengthen their drug detection, counter-terrorism and security functions.

Padilla stated that the Republic of China (Taiwan) is Guatemala’s most important diplomatic partner, as evidenced by the 90-year-long friendly relationship between the two governments. He looked forward to deepening the cooperation with the ROC Military Police on the basis of the existing foundation, and wished the two countries’ military friendship and cooperation would continue to be strong, making concerted efforts to maintain regional peace, security, prosperity and development.

The article is reproduced from Youth Daily News, Ministry of Defense.    

1-指揮官接待瓜地馬拉大使  深化軍誼.jpg

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Update: 2024-06-12

