Military Police Command

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Commander host the completion ceremony of July, encouraging soldiers to strengthen their skills and knowledge.

By Ku Ke Chieh, Reporter / Press Release

Yesterday, the commanding officer of the Military Police Command, Lt. Gen. Chou Kuang Chi hosted the completion ceremony of July, encouraging staff who gain promotion to plan their life goals, continue lifelong learning, build self-worth and competiveness, hold on to the truth-seeking spirit, be brave to face and fix the problem, set an example for others and make the best better in combat preparation training.

Commander Chou stressed that it’s important to share joy and honor with family when it comes to gaining promotion, it also means one should take on more responsibility. He asked the staff who gain promotion to divide work accordingly based on establishment spirit, having each task managed by someone, and reminded the officers and soldiers to play their own roles while working together to complete the mission.  

Finally, commander Chou pointed out that compliance with law and regulations needs to start at the roots. Military police is a good example to the three armed services. All soldiers and officers should strengthen their skills and knowledge, be discreet in word and deed. He further encouraged the officers and soldiers with “One must have loyalty and integrity, and keep the spirit of“plum and water lily,” one should be persisted like plum blossoms, and preserve one's moral integrity like lotus, and strive for honor.

(The article is originally from Youth Daily News.)

1.指揮官主持7月份晉任授階典禮 勉官兵強化本職學能

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Update: 2022-07-11

