Military Police Command

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Commander requests strictly complying with military discipline and maintaining reputation

Reported by Hsiao Chia-Yi/ Summary report

 Commander of Military Police Command, Lieutenant General Huang Chin-Tsai inspected Pingtung Military Police yesterday to check the anti-epidemic preparation and requested all the subordinates to strictly follow the requirements of military discipline and maintain the reputation of the unit. Commander Huang said military police carries power of military police and judicial police and is in charge of the maintenance of military laws. Other than being familiar with requirements of military laws, they shall also review themselves with the highest standard as well as speak and act cautiously while exercising due diligence.

 In addition, Commander Huang reminded cadres to continue supervising the subordinates and encouraging them to conduct advanced training, to gain experience and to pursue promotion, to use their free time for further studying, advancing their competency, enhancing the morale in the team, thereby fulfilling talent cultivation.

Commander Huang emphasized the leading cadres in the unit shall set themselves as models to influence the team and enhance internal cohesion inside the team. We shall continue improving the physical strength, strengthening the combat capabilities of the team, developing interests in exercising, and cultivating spontaneous exercising habits in order to effectively advance the overall combat capability of the military police. 

(The article is reproduced from Youth Daily News, Ministry of Defense.)

2.指揮官要求恪遵軍紀 維護榮譽

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Update: 2021-04-26

