Military Police Command

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Commander Hosted the New Role Introduction of Director of Political Warfare and the Deputy Chief of Staff, Encouraging One to Carry Forward Honorable Tradition

Reported by Liu Hsin-Yi / Summary Report

Military Police Command Commander Lieutenant General Chou Kuang-Chi hosted the New Role Introduction of Director of Political Warfare and the Deputy Chief of Staff yesterday. First, Commander Chou affirmed the hard work and effort showcased by the one who helmed the positions previously, and urged the newly-appointed officer to continue working hard so as to improve upon the foundation that the previous officer had laid down. Commander Chou stressed: “Military police of today must be better than yesterday, and military police of tomorrow must be better than today”. Commander Chou expected all officers to lead their soldiers moving forward, creating new heights for the military police.

Lastly, Commander Chou pointed out that comprehensive experiences of the newly-appointed Director of Political Warfare Major General Tang and the new Deputy Chief of Staff, Major Lu made them the perfect candidates to helm a leadership position as well as a staff supervisor position, both of which are crucial military positions. Commander Chou indicated that both newly-appointed officers came from a superb educational background and possesses rich combat force experience, demanding all soldiers to abide by the leadership of the new appointees. Furthermore, Commander Chou emphasized that one should practically push forth military training, to establish a responsible image, thereby creating an excellent organizational culture and jointly carrying on the honorable tradition of the military police.

(The article is reproduced from Youth Daily News, Ministry of Defense)

2-指揮官主持政戰主任暨副參謀長新職介紹 勉發揚光榮傳統

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Update: 2022-12-27

