Military Police Command

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Commander Conducted New Year Visitations, Encouraging Strict Adherence to Military Discipline

Reported by: HUNG, Tzu-Yang / Summary Report

In order to show appreciation and affirmation to the soldiers for their daily hard work, Military Police Command Commander Lieutenant Huang, Chin-Tsai, accompanied by Director of Political Warfare Major General Yu, Sergeant Supervisor Chiu, Command 205 Commander Colonel Chang as well as other officers, went over to the Nantou Military Police to conduct New Year Visitations while also performed inspections of the team, requesting the officers of each unit to utilize the concept of “Emphasis on Honor, Adherence to Discipline” in cultivating the soldiers, in addition to leading by example and adequately using the functions of the organization to strengthen one’s leadership role, thereby enhancing the cohesiveness and unity of the team.

Commander Huang stressed that all soldiers should be proud of being able to put on a military police uniform, and so those that deliberately violate the rules and damage the unit’s honor will not be pardoned easily. In this new year, the commander expects all officers to reflect on the past and plan for the future, offering guidance instead of scolding, as well as replacing punishment with education, Also, one shall actively show concern and take care of his/her colleagues, aid others in their career path, fully utilize all resources to better oneself, thereby elevating one’s own self-worth and competitiveness.

Lastly, Commander Huang awarded New Year Team Bonuses in wishing everyone a very happy holiday season, while also reminding all soldiers that adherence to all military discipline demands is still a must even when on break so that they can jointly maintain the honor of the military police team.

(This article is adopted from Youth Daily)

1.指揮官勉恪遵軍紀 春節慰問

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Update: 2021-01-18

