Military Police Command

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Commander Met with the Newly-Appointed Director and New Staff

Reported By: LIU, Chih-Yun / Summary Report

Military Police Command Commander Lieutenant-General Huang, Chin-Tsai visited Zhongzhen Barracks yesterday to meet with the newly-appointed director as well as new staff, expecting all unit directors to properly train their teams, take good care of their soldiers, thereby allowing the military police teams to exert its lean and mean full strength.

When Commander Huang was meeting with the new staff, he indicated that becoming a staff is the perfect opportunity for personal advancement and the acquisition of knowledge, so therefore one shall properly utilize such time to elevate one’s skillsets, laying down the foundation for any hardships that may follow, stressing that “experience and academics must proceed at the same time, with no allowance for laxity.”

Finally, Commander Huang emphasized that as an officer of the military police, one shall understand the importance of having self-respect, be self-aware, and be self-disciplined. Also, one shall act as an example to the soldiers, establishing correct attitudes from the very basic level, thus creating the excellent common practices of the military police.  

(This article is adopted from Youth Daily)    


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Update: 2020-10-05

