Military Police Command

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Commander Requested Strict Adherence to Military Discipline to Maintain the Honor of the Unit

Reported By LI, Tian-Yu / Summary Report

Military Police Command Commander Lieutenant-General Huang, Chin-Tsai, and Deputy Director of Internal Affairs Colonel Yang went over to the Presidential Security Guard Regiment yesterday to show appreciation for their efforts for the Autumn Holidays as well as perform military discipline advocacy. Commander Huang indicated that military police are perceived as police officers upholding both the military and common law, and therefore all soldiers and officers at all levels must have a deep understanding of his/her functions as well as responsibilities, and should remain faithful of his duties, thereby maintaining the honor of the unit.

“Safety in military discipline does not tolerate laxity, one shall be aware of the actions taken and the word spoken, and never violate the law under any circumstances,” Commander Huang emphasized while stressing that all soldiers shall strictly adhere to military discipline and confidentiality policies, as well as to never drive under the influence, discriminate based on gender, or leak any confidential information, all of which damages the honor of the military police.

Finally, Commander Huang once again noted the importance of implementing counseling work, in which an officer should properly utilize established organization to adequately provide assistance and restructuring, thereby attaining a good grasp of the soldiers’ conditions. Also, officers should demonstrate a little more concern towards his/her subordinates on a regular basis and to never give a cold shoulder to anyone. One should take care of one another, assisting others in solving any issues that may arise or prevent any regrettable events from taking place, thereby formulating the solid and lean combat strength of the team.


(This article is adopted from Youth Daily)

2.指揮官要求恪遵軍紀 確維單位榮譽

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Update: 2020-09-28

