Military Police Command

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Commander Encouraged Supervision of Colleagues to Ensure Fulfillment of Personal Duties in Accordance with the Law

Reported by: LI, Tian-Yu / Summary Report

Military Police Command Commander Lieutenant-General Huang, Chin-Tsai, accompanied by Deputy Director of Inspection Colonel Yang, conducted a seminar with all the colleagues in the Inspection Office yesterday, reminding inspection officers to be cautious of their words and actions, to abide by the law while being practical, as well as to care and service colleagues with a transcendent and independent attitude. Also, one should fully utilize one’s professionalism to guarantee the rights of the soldiers, assist the director to inspect teams at all levels. At the same time, one shall be in-depth in strict management, proactively push forth every task, using the strictest military discipline to secure the overall combat strength.

Commander Huang indicated that inspection work shall be executed to a tee, with clear distribution of rewards and punishments. In regards to those that violated the law, he/she should be dealt with and eliminated with the strictest rules. Additionally, praises should be given to those that performed exceptionally well so as to jointly maintain the honor of the military police. Also, while executing each task, laws and regulations must be followed so as to attain the fulfillment of one’s responsibilities, thus ensuring the rights of all soldiers.

Commander Huang pointed out that all colleagues should always show concern for one another, with adequate support and encouragement given at the right time, as well as to foster excellent relationships and to be in sync with one another. When encountering a mission, teamwork shall be utilized while each person knows exactly what he/she should do. Commander Huang stressed that one should “take care of oneself before taking care of others,” in which all colleagues should never forget to take that, and that one should develop proper exercise habits while always be nutritionally balanced. Also, one should always maintain a positive attitude to ensure the healthiness of one’s mental and physical state.

“Talents are a product of Cultivation,” Commander stressed while encouraging all colleagues to grasp the opportunity in achieving lifelong learning, to plan higher education courses in advance, to adequate utilize time and resources, to strive towards the acquisition of military professional skillsets. Also, one should be able to handle a diversity of roles and experiences in attaining an equilibrium in learning and experiencing, thereby formulating personal advantages and competiveness so as to move up in military rankings, allowing one’s rich military journey to complete oneself.

(This article is adopted from Youth Daily)


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Update: 2020-08-12

